1. kim kardashian was seen wearing 'kw' earrings. is this a joke? for one, kanye west is the biggest douche in this entire country. and two, what would ever compel you to wear your boyfriend's (using this term loosely) initials... on your ears. i wish, just for one day, she could at least pretend she didn't need everyone's attention to function.
2. i don't know how to run. still. i have had alignment issues with my hips and knees for years, and i am pretty sure this will just not allow me to run, ever. i tried! i promise i did. and then my knees and hips were throbbing for days. not the good kind of pain, either. harumph.
(except i both feel AND look like the latter)
3. i got a library card, and i cannot stop telling everyone about it. free books!
4. birchbox is such a bitch. my box shipped 13 days ago. and it's still not here. it sat in bell gardens, ca for five days. what is wrong with our postal service?
5. bill and guiliana are having a baby, and i cannot even handle my excitement after hearing this news! i llluuvvv those two. i was a little bummed that we wouldn't actually get to see guiliana with a belly, but am so thrilled for them to be able to have a bebe, even if by gestational carrier.
6. the job search sucks. i am for sure going to end up on the streets.
7. i nearly bought 6 of the exact same t-shirts in different colors, just to avoid paying shipping costs. again, i am going to end up on the streets. but at least i would have clothes to wear.
8. i keep watching the videos of the tupac hologram at coachella. it is so creepy and incredible, all at the same time. i would kill to have been there. ohhhmyyygooosshhhh. i know so many people who were there and said it was just incredible. technology is so fucking cool.
9. lindsey lohan has officially been cast as elizabeth taylor in an upcoming biopic. loooovvee.
10. does anyone remember jenny jones? i used to feel like such a badass when i'd stay home sick from school and watch every single dramatic day time talk show there was. mackdaddy makeovers = quality tv.